Stephanie Garber's "A Curse for True Love" marks the triumphant conclusion to the Once Upon A Broken Heart trilogy, delivering a mesmerizing blend of fantasy, romance, and suspense, it really rounds up the books. I loved this book and the entire ...
once upon a broken heart
The Ballad Of Never After By Stephanie Garber Book Review
The Ballad of Never After is the sequel to Stephanie Garber’s Once Upon A Broken Heart, and it picks up right where the first book left off. This second instalment dives deeper into the story around the Valory Arch and its opening. It also introduces ...
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber Book Review
Once Upon a Broken Heart" by Stephanie Garber invites readers into a magical world filled with love, curses, and the pursuit of happily ever after. As a fan of Garber's Caraval series, I was eagerly drawn back into her enchanting world, where whimsy ...