The Shadow and Bone series is an adaptation of the Grishaverse, a bestselling young adult fantasy series of novels by Leigh Bardugo based loosely on Tsarist Russia. The stories centres on a teenage orphan named Alina, who works as a mapmaker on ...
leigh bardugo
Leigh Bardugo’s ‘Rule of Wolves’ book review
First of all, I hardly read book sequels even if it is my favourite book. Still haven’t read Ghosts of the Shadow Market and Lost Book of the White in the Shadowhunter series. However, I decided to read the King of Scars Grisha sequel duology because ...
King Of Scars | Book Review
by Leigh Bardugo Took me over 12 weeks to finish this book. There was nothing wrong, I just had a lot going on and barely had time to read. Not to forget my yearly book slump which showed up recently. Nevertheless, I took it everywhere with ...